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February 28, 2006

Gotta Launch'em All!

A few days ago I purchased Meteos because I felt it was high time I expanded my gaming horizons beyond Mario Kart. At first I didn't really like it, it seemed clumsy and poorly designed but then I got into it and discovered that it unlocked the magic little place in my brain often referred to as 'the zone' where all conscious thought shuts off and instinct takes over. It's the same sort of mindset that exists when playing Shotguns in Halo or when you're swamped by zombies in Resident Evil 4.

Since I bought it however, I've been a little ansy and on edge. It's something I'll refer to as the 'Snood Effect' where everything you see in the outside world turns into patterns within a game that need to be sorted out and made right. I see rows of house lights with one slightly higher than the others and I have the uncontrollable urge to push the wayward pinhole of light down to create a metamo jet that will send them all soaring into the sky. The words on my Bible page seem to cascade down in my peripheral and I frantically turn to sort them before they reach the top margin and unexpectedly end my devotional session.

No matter what mode of the game you play each unburned Meteo square you launch is collected, catalogued and added to what amounts to little more than a bank account. You can then spend your little colored squares to purchase more planets, items, sounds and rare metals. Why I want these things, I have no idea but, like Ash Catchem, I have the greedy untamed desire to - and I'm paraphrasing here - 'acquire them all'. Even on the ending title screen after you finish the 'Star Trip' mode of the game you are given a chance to play on a massive screen so instead of reveling in my victory I frantically sort so that I can increase my net Meteos worth.

If you own a DS, I strongly suggest you purchase it, so that we can meet and revel in the addiction together like a pair of heroin junkies jonesin' for our next fix.

On a side note, RSCR:Respond had it's one year anniversary yesterday and I thought it was very apt that I was too lazy to write a post on the actual day of its birth to commemorate it. Why not go through the archives and have a look around? I wouldn't describe my writing throughout these twelve months to be prolific but, my biggest fear in starting this whole thing would be that I wouldn't keep up with it, but I have...so take that three-hundred-and-sixty-five-day-old-pessimistic-internal-monologue. Thanks for everyone who reads this...just knowing that other eyeballs and brains peruse my thoughts makes me feel pretty fantastic, even if there is just three or four of you. Colon-parenthesis.

Posted by Jon at February 28, 2006 03:02 PM


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