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January 15, 2007


I think I am becoming a Christian, a real one at least, you know...one of those people who has a relationship with God? I was at youth group the other night and my friend Leny said that the 18 inches from the head to the heart is the longest distance to traverse in one's spiritual life. It's a journey you can't travel by sheer will; one has to be carried there and I think God has been slowly revealing Himself to me in a way that is authentic and palpable to my senses. The frame work I've laid by studying theology, philosophy and the Bible is finally starting to make sense in a way that brings peace instead of inadequacy and acceptance rather than self-loathing. It's all rather exciting, really.

My church is almost too awesome to explain, it's the first 'body of believers' I've been in that constantly exude God's love, free of any expectations on conduct and appearance. It's as though they just want to get you in touch with Jesus and trust He'll take care of the rest.

Posted by Jon at January 15, 2007 06:01 PM


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