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October 02, 2007

Fall Promo '07: Night Driving

Download in either: High Quality (320kbps) or Medium Quality (160kbps)

"So what I told you was true...from a certain point of view."
"A certain point of view?"
"Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."

And so begins my Fall Promo for the year of our Lord, two-thousand seven.

I finished this mix nearly three weeks ago but, in preparation for my trek to Europe I couldn't carve out the time to sit down, finish the write-up and get it online.

As the title implies, the entire vibe of this mix was centered around those tunes I like to drive at night to. I hit upon this in 'What Do You See, David?' and thought I would continue along that same path for this mix.

It starts out with 'Wired' by Raumton, a track that came free with my DJ Studio 3 software and upon first listen I fell in love with it. It's one of those tracks that you file away and consider for every mix but can never find the position that will do it justice. So, after two years of almost being included I thought I would have it be the lead off, setting the tone for the other tracks instead of vice-versa.

Manuel Tur is up next and his tune, Ready To Go, keeps the ball rolling nicely. Manuel is an excellent producer whose tracks span the gamut of style, tone and mood; I have lot of his music and have been watching him closely for the better part of three years (he also produces under the moniker 'Tweeq') and thought it was high time I showed the love by putting him on a mix.

Sebastian Leger fills the third spot with his remix of Eric Prydz's remix of Pink Floyd's 'Another Brick In The Wall'. All three parties just mentioned are all favorite music makers of mine so to have them combine into a perfect storm like this is really a treat. It's bouncy, driving, electro throbby goodness with a little vocal kick that harkens back to drives with my good friend Steve, when I was discovering Floyd for the first time.

The middle of the mix (Callisto/Jaded/Horizons/Madderferrys) is compromised by the stuff I most like to drive to: loopy repetitive deep techno-influenced house music. Throbbing synths are what get me pumped up (especially 'Jaded') and I hope they'll do the same for you.

For the end of the mix I took it in more of a progressive direction starting with Aril Brikha's 'Leaving Me' and ending with two tunes that remind me of my end days at Messiah. Not that I was playing them then but it was the sound that, at that time, I was looking for and found shortly afterward.

On champagne bottles it says 'Best Served Chilled' and on this mix I'd like to add the addendum that it's best listened to in a car with the windows down, driving through winding roads at night in the Fall. My point of reference has always been New England so if you're from around there, find some of those classic foliage drive spots and do it up proper. I know gas is expensive but it always washed my soul out to take a nice long drive with some great music so I'm sure it will do you good.

Maybe you could use this drive as an excuse to visit someone you haven't in a while or go to a spot you used to frequent but, because of time and circumstance, haven't seen recently. I always used to go and visit Mitch this way in Marshfield and after he moved out I still made it out that way to see the Bartlett's. Sometimes it was an excuse to go and see my parents but an impromptu drive to those you love always has a way of clarifying ones outlook on things and gives a much needed sense of peace.

This Fall Promo goes out to Nick Roy: Nick, every time I sit down to do a mix I'm trying to impress you, specifically. You've got this same tendency as I do to think of all music, no matter what it is, as a soundtrack to something. And I think you, like me, are always assigning listenables we find to areas of our lives, on a never ending quest to score the existence we've been given. Ever since 'Leaves Fall, Beats Drop' you've always let me know what you think specifically and the feedback you give always helps me improve. For that I am in your debt.

As usual I uploaded it in 160kpbs (Medium Quality) and 320kpbs (High Quality). I really hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think in the comments either here or on my MySpace page.

Without further ado here's the track list:
01: Raumton - Wired
02: Manuel Tur - Ready To Go
03: Eric Prydz - Proper Education (Sebastian Leger Remix)
04: Stephan Bodzin & Marc Romboy - Callisto
05: Deadmau5 - Jaded
06: Cirez D - Horizons
07: Pryda - Madderferrys
08: Aril Brikha - Leaving Me
09: Mike Brin - Magic Changes (Stel Remix)
10: The Disco Brothers - Inner Sense feat. Andrea Britton (Starecase Remix)

Posted by Jon at October 2, 2007 04:30 AM


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